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Refund and Returns Policy

At, we want to ensure your satisfaction with every purchase. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our refund and cancellation policies outlined below:

1. Cancellation Policy:

  • You can cancel your order within 7 Days of placing it. After this period, the order may have already been processed and cannot be canceled.
  • To cancel an order, please contact our customer support team with your order number and request.

2. Refund Eligibility:

  • Refunds are issued for the purchase price of the item(s) and do not include shipping costs.
  • To be eligible for a refund, items must be returned in their original condition, unused, and in the original packaging.

3. Refund Process:

  • Refunds are processed within 7 days of receiving the returned item.
  • Once the refund is processed, you will receive a confirmation email. The time it takes for the refund to reflect in your account may vary depending on your payment method.

4. Non-Refundable Items:

  • Some items may be non-refundable due to hygiene reasons, customization, or other specific circumstances. Please check the product description or contact our customer support for more information.

5. Return Shipping:

  • Customers are responsible for the cost of return shipping unless the return is due to an error on our part or a defective product.
  • We recommend using a trackable shipping service for returns to ensure your items reach us safely.

6. Damaged or Defective Items:

  • If you receive a damaged or defective item, please contact our customer support team immediately. We will arrange for a replacement or refund as appropriate.

7. Late or Missing Refunds:

  • If you haven’t received your refund within the specified timeframe, please check your bank account. If the refund is still not reflected, contact your credit card company or bank before reaching out to us.

8. Policy Changes:

  • reserves the right to update or modify the refund and cancellation policy at any time. Changes will be effective immediately and will be communicated on our website.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding refunds or cancellations, please reach out to our customer support team at We appreciate your understanding and thank you for choosing for your shopping needs!